1. You all know how I feel about dance. (I've even included a photo of me from a dance recital to get you in the spirit!)
2. Penelope Cruz was amazing. I don't usually love her in American films, but she was terrific.
3. I have a girl crush on Marian Cotillard.
4. The costumes. (Better than the one featured in this photo.)
5. Italy is a beautiful back drop to any movie.
6. Musicals make me happy.
7. I'm still thinking about the movie and Daniel Day-Lewis, who was awesome.
8. I don't like Fergie, however she didn't completely ruin the movie for me as I thought she might. (She was alright.)
9. Loved, loved, loved the credits at the end. (Stay and watch them, people!)
Obviously there is tons to love about this movie, but some of the people I saw it with found it to be slow and just seemed to want more. I get that, but all in all, I was pleased.
What did not please me were the movie-hopping teenagers who sat behind us and played with their cell phones while talking the entire time. You better believe they received a "shhhhh" from me. They then hit the road when the manager came in to send them on their way. Stupid kids.
The #1 issue I have with living in this area: The teenagers run the joint. Seriously, it's getting really old. But that's another post for another day...