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I Am Almost Stopped Blogging, But Here's Why I Didn't

If you've been checking (if there is still anyone remotely interested in our antics) you've probably noticed that things haven't been updated around here for a while. It started before A was born. Little by little I started to lose my interest in blogging. It became another item on my never-ending to-do list. I stopped going to blogging events for a while, because working out childcare and spending more time away from the kids just didn't appeal to me. Suddenly this thing that I was doing for my kids, to celebrate being a mom, to find a community was taking my focus from my kids and - quite frankly - starting to stress me out. I cared less and less about readership and willingly turned down great opportunities, because I knew it was the right thing for me at the time.

A was born and the days and weeks became a blur and there was NO TIME. No time to do anything, especially anything on my computer. Opening my computer just leads B to bang on it and W to insist on playing video games and A just seems to have a sense that it's open and begins to cry. So, I could go weeks without working on my computer. Having three kids under the age of four doesn't leave much personal time to do just about anything.

And then I received an email from a really excited father expecting his second child. Let's call him John. With a wife only a few weeks along, John started googling stuff to get him ready to be the father of two. He found a post I wrote about preparing for #2 and was especially interested in my double stroller recommendation. He revealed that I was the first person he shared the news with and had some questions about a double stroller. So I wrote him back with advice and it felt good. I was reminded why I started this blog and realized I missed writing and connecting with other parents. I'm no expert, but apparently I do have something valuable to offer. I heard back from John and at the end of his email he wrote this: Anyway, thank you, again, for all the insight, and I look forward to continue reading your blog.

It feels good to be back. After all, if I'm not posting how will this man ever know how crazy it will be when he and his wife have #3?!?!