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Good Deeds 2012 Week 4: Valentine's Cards For Nursing Home

Good Deed: Made Valentine's Day cards for a local nursing home.

I didn't think of this one on my own, but I love it. Our preschool asked that each kid make cards that will be delivered to a local nursing home for Valentine's Day. Sweet, right?

I love that this is something you can do anytime of year and is a great way to get the kids involved. I tried to explain why we were making the cards, which went something like this:

Me: "Sometimes when people get old they go and live in a place with other old people and people who take care of them."

W: "Am I old?"

Me: "No."

W: "Why do people have to take care of them? Can they go home?"

Me: "Because sometimes old people get sick and that becomes their home. Do you remember seeing Great Grandpa at the place he lives? It's like that."

W: "Do they die?"

Me: (...LONG pause...) "How about we get started on those cards???"

Wow, explaining nursing homes to kids is not easy. And he's been asking about the D-I-E word a lot these days. Thankfully making cards was easy and really fun!

I kept W's interest long enough to make two cards. I'm hoping he'll make a few more with me before the week is over.

What was your good deed this week? Link it up here or leave a comment!

1 comment:

Paula said...

What a great idea! I should do this with my kids. Although, I'll probably never get it together to do. Sigh...