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A Stomach Bug Inspires This Week's Meal Plan

The boys both came down with a stomach bug around 3:00 am last night. W had the worse case by far. We had to skip a BBQ this afternoon at my sister's house and spend the entire day at home, so it gave me some time (in between EIGHT loads of laundry and trying to hydrate the boys) to make a meal plan and go grocery shopping. Here it is...

Monday: Penne with pesto, peas, and tomatoes for Mom and Dad, Mrs. Grass Noodles for the boys
Tuesday: Toasty Mac & Cheese* with broccoli
Wednesday: Taco Night
Thursday: Pizza with Green Salad
Friday: Whitefish with Greek Salad

*This mac & cheese recipe is a make ahead that is divided into two meals. I made it tonight while I was making dinner and now I have another ready to go for the future. I tasted it and it's great. Hope the boys' stomachs are back to normal so they can enjoy it tomorrow.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Oh no! So sorry to hear about the stomach bug. There is something nasty going around by us - horrible stomach bug then high fever for 3-4 days. Fingers crossed everyone gets to enjoy the yummy meals you have planned.