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Playing Barista

"Hi, baristas!" is often what we hear from the back seat when we drive by a Starbucks. Yes, between days spent with my mom and our own coffee-loving ways, our child is very aware of all things coffee. I think "coffee" was one of his first words. He'd point to our mugs in the morning or to-go cups during afternoon trips out and correctly identify what was inside. It doesn't hurt that there is a drive-thru Starbucks near our house and our pediatrician's office.

Last weekend on the way back from Michigan we were stuck in traffic. It sucked, but then we heard a little voice behind us say, "Would you like a grande skim latte?" And so the game of barista began.

Our new traffic game is playing barista. We take turns ordering and William makes our coffee drinks. Every now and then we get to play barista and make him a hot chocolate with extra whipped cream, something he's never actually tried, but seems to think the pretend version is delicious.

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