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Goodnight Goodnight Sleepyhead

When William was still an infant, I would feed him and then read the book "Goodnight Goodnight Sleepyhead" every night. I often read the book multiple times, it just seemed to soothe him.

As he got older, he became tired of the book and I was looking to change it up a bit, so it went onto the bookshelf and sat... and sat... and sat. Tonight when I put him down the book somehow ended up on the table next to the reading chair in his room.

I reached for it and was reminded why I loved reading it to him so much. And he positively remembered being read the wonderful rhyme. He whispered along, asked me to read it a second time, and then whined when I put him in his crib. I handed the book to him and he happily held onto it as I turned off the light.

I love that a book made such a strong impression on him at a young age. How quickly he has gone from a baby snuggling into my arm staring wide-eyed at the photos to a toddler sitting on my lap whispering along. If this doesn't encourage you to read to your children, no matter the age, I don't know what will.

I was not compensated for writing about this book, nor did I receive a complimentary copy of the book. I did, however, receive it as a baby gift, but have no idea who gave it to me. If you are the gift-giver and happen to be reading this, please let me know.

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