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When Something Drops Off Your List (in this case my blog)

It's been quiet around here. I know. And that troubles me, it does. But, lately posting has been harder than ever before. Sure, it's been the annual Gala and the extra work, energy, and mental capacity it takes from me. And I stood up in a wedding that was our of town. But, my job changed and this year wasn't nearly as demanding as it used to be.

I've been tired. B doesn't sleep well. More like doesn't sleep at all. I'm getting tired of nursing him. He wakes up every hour looking for comfort. I'm waking up sleep deprived everyday. It gets frustrating.

I feel like when I'm home, I'm in the kitchen doing kitchen stuff or in the basement doing laundry. I'm working full time. Our weekends are jam packed with plans with family, friends, and the boys. I'm trying to figure out changes in our child care situation for the next five months in order to ensure we have our nanny for the summer. I'm a room parent for W's preschool class. There's family drama (just in time for the holidays!). We're starting to question how much longer we want to stay in our house and where we want to be in five years.  I have a long list of posts to write, stories to tell, important milestones to capture (like my adorable new nephew and my sister's wedding), and products to share. I'm trying to potty train W and get B to like baby food.

With so many things that are taking up my attention, my poor blog has just dropped to the bottom of my list and when I do post, it's simple, easy things (like a freaky photo of a jack-o-lantern after it was used as a squirrel buffet). This is one of those posts that I never want to write, because it comes across as complaining. But, remember the mission of this blog is to be honest about the realities of motherhood... And this is as real as it gets, people. Motherhood is exhausting. It's like spinning plates. And every now and then something needs to get dropped to the bottom of the list. And that's where my blog has been. Until now. I think I might be back. Today is the first day I've been able to sit down and

It gets a little crazy, but when you have these two adorable faces to look at and cuddle, it's pretty hard to complain:



Anonymous said...

You guys are just the best. Your family the cutiest! Big hugs! J & J

Anonymous said...

Just love those boys!
