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Need An Investigator?

For From Left to Write Book Club we read Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn, a mystery about a woman who disappears on her anniversary. This post is inspired by the book.
I secretly wish I was an investigative journalist. OK, maybe this isn't such a secret... It's just something I think I'd be really good at. I love figuring things out, thinking of things from different points of view, and bringing down the bad guy. Can you tell I've put some thought into this one?

Here are some other qualifications for your consideration:
  • I have an excellent memory: Granted, this is getting worse with each child I add to our family.
  • People open up to me pretty easily once I gain their trust: Maybe it's because I'm an open book and tend to ask probing questions... 
  • I am a superb secret keeper: This could also be why people open up to me.
  • People often assume I know more than I do: When admitting a mistake she knew I wasn't going to be happy about, a good friend of mine once told me that she feels like I always know the truth whether someone tells me or not.
  • I'm suspicious of everyone and their motives: Sometimes this make me seem stand-offish, but I need a little extra time to figure people out.
  • I have great instincts: I just do.
Maybe one day I'll realize my dreams, but for now I'm happy to continue spoiling movies for Matt. And making my boys work harder to fool me. I feel like I'll have enough outlets for my investigative skills in ten years... My poor kids don't stand a chance. My investigative skills paired with my mom ESP will make my mom proud. Trust me, I learned from the best.

This post is inspired by mystery thriller GONE GIRL by Gillian Flynn. They may not have the perfect marriage, but after Amy goes missing, Nick becomes the number one suspect. Can he discover what happened before it's too late? Join From Left to Write on June 12 as we discuss Gone Girl. As a member, I received a complimentary copy of the book.


Amy @ said...

You're right, those kids of yours are in serious trouble come their teen years. Stay sharp, my friend!

Unknown said...

i think these skills are perfect for moms! my daughter is still wondering how i knew she was playing with her kindle when she was supposed to be sleeping...

Anonymous said...

I've developed the 'eyes in the back of the head' thing since becoming a parent.