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Hand, Foot, and Mouth

So, what I thought was the flu is something very different. I was talking with Emily on Sunday morning after the bachelorette party and she was telling me about his weird virus that Jackson had last month. As she described it I realized it sounded very familiar. Sort of like the same thing both William and I have had for the last week. So, I get home, turn to google, and have my self diagnosis... HAND, FOOT, and MOUTH.

So, I called the pediatrician this morning to see if they'd like to see the little guy. Nope. Just keep an eye on his throat and give him motrin for pain and popsicles, which I tried today and found quite entertaining. So, that's where we're at. The fever, the blisters on this feet, his crankiness, the sleepiness, his sudden refusal of the foods he previously enjoyed... And it explains my fever, sore throat, exhaustion, and headache I just can't shake. So, we're working on mending the health level over here.

Yet another thing that I never heard of before I was a parent: Hand, Foot, and Mouth. Now I know it all too well.

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